On Dec 3rd, 20 leading economic media published on the same day 50 innovative business solutions to climate change. Discover our media partners
50 innovative business solutions for tackling climate issues
20 economic newspapers to share these stories on December 3rd 2018
Workshops & meetings with larger-scale companies to develop business around these solutions

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Business solutions for climate: Green finance
déc 11, 2018
Worldwide, the share of green finance is on the rise with global green bond issuance being set to grow by 60% to USD 250 billion in 2018, according to the UNFCCC. At their level, companies are starting to develop tools to boost investments for climate adaptation and mitigation. But the transition remains slow compared to [...]
Business solutions for Climate: Tech &IT
déc 18, 2018
Business solutions for climate: Tech & IT The still young IT industry is rapidly becoming a significant contributor to climate change because of its voracious consumption of energy. Upstream, it relies on the costly and polluting extraction of rare metals that often come from conflict zones. Will the Internet be greener, better, faster, stronger? Discover two initiatives [...]
Business solutions for climate: Circular Economy
déc 18, 2018
Business solutions for climate: Circular Economy The current take-make-dispose industrial model has shown its limits both economically and environmentally. 95% of the value of plastic packaging material, worth $80–120 billion annually, is lost to the economy. The circular economy is a tremendous opportunity to generate economic benefits while addressing climate change. Discover three initiatives that offer solutions [...]
Business solutions for climate: Energy
déc 18, 2018
Business Solutions for climate: Energy The energy sector is going through a bold transition towards renewables, an opportunity for the 1.06 billion people who still function without electricity. How can we ensure an equal access to clean energy all over the world? Discover in this article five initiatives that offer solutions to make the energy sector greener [...]
Business Solutions for climate: Transportation
déc 18, 2018
Business solutions for climate: Transportation At this very second, 9,728 planes are flying, meaning 1.3 million persons are up in the air. Now more than ever, distance might not seem so important as you can go everywhere in the world in just a few hours. Yet, transport often means pollution. It’s time to challenge the [...]

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